About TracksHealth
TracksHealth is committed to providing quality clinical services to children and adolescents, through a client centred approach that factors in, in-depth assessment and individualised intervention plans. From our beginnings as a crisis youth refuge in 1981, to where we are today, our mission has remained clear and in line with our Clinical framework that is anchored in hope - to empower our clients to reach their full potential and to support them towards a positive, brighter and more hopeful future.
TracksHealth has been brought to you by Allambi Care to extend our specialised training, experience and skills to our wider community.
We are a multi-disciplinary team ranging from Psychologists, Behaviour Specialists, to Medical Doctors and Allied health professionals. Our Clinicians have intensive training and experience in supporting clients who have complex needs.
Heading our Clinical Team is Dr Paul Baker, a developmental neuropsychologist with over 30 years of experience in this field.
The clinical team undergo extensive training, as high emphasis is placed on evidence-based practice. Our Psychologists are supervised by experts with over ten years of experience in the field and Behaviour Specialists receive Clinical Supervision from Dr Alayna Haberlin, who is a BCBA (Board Certified Behaviour Analyst) at the doctorate level.