Megan Spencer

Senior Psychologist


Senior Psychologist, Board Approved Supervisor, Board Certified Assistant Behaviour Analyst (BCaBA)
Diploma of Yogic Studies, BA Psychology with Honours, Postgraduate Study Behaviour Analysis, Master of Family Studies (current)

Field of Work and Experience

Since 2006, Megan has worked with Allambi Care, providing services to children, adults, and families. With a background in youthwork and casework, Megan is an experienced senior psychologist with over 14 years clinical practice across residential, foster care, disability, and outreach programs. 

Megan’s current focus is with Allambi Care’s project-team, designing and implementing programs to improve participant therapeutic outcomes. Across NSW and VIC, Megan facilitates clinical supervision, group supervisions, staff development and is a member of several safety and therapeutic panels. Previously, Megan worked as a rehabilitation coordinator in London for adults with acquired brain injury and has presented at international conferences.

Passionate about trauma-informed wellbeing, Megan loves facilitating stress resilience programs. In addition to the two-year Yogic Studies diploma, Megan spent months in Ashrams in Australia and overseas. Since 2017, Megan has been living on farms and rural land in the beautiful Northern Rivers. Megan brings experiential understanding to holistic, evidence-informed service delivery.

Aspiration and Personal Interests

Megan loves rainbows, including the Coopers kind. Megan is happiest with loved ones, animals, in nature and when traveling. In her spare time, Megan is playing soccer, guitar, practicing yoga or learning the drums.