At TracksHealth our team of highly trained Psychologists and Provisional Psychologists conduct a range of comprehensive diagnostic assessments and interventions for children and adolescents from birth to 18 years of age.

Our clinical staff incorporate evidence informed practices to support children and adolescents. 

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At TracksHealth our counselling and therapeutic interventions include working with young people experiencing:

  • Trauma
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Behaviour difficulties
  • Interpersonal skills and friendship difficulties
  • Support for parents and caregivers

All Psychological Assessments include:

  • Pre-assessment consultation with parents and carers to understand concerns and to develop an individualised assessment protocol to suit the child's individual needs
  • A copy of the report
  • Post assessment consult to explain results and answer any questions

TracksHealth clinicians take a client centred approach, ensuring the young person is comfortable with the clinician and the assessment environment. We value collaboration and consultation with those important to the young person including family members, school teachers and day care providers.

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Common Types of Assessments

Our services

At Tracks Health we recognise that every child has unique needs, and we tailor our care accordingly. Our highly trained staff incorporate evidence informed practices to support children and adolescents from birth to 18 years of age.